Friday, February 4, 2011

Tanning for Weight Loss?

When I first heard about tanning promoting weight loss, I did not believe it!  But after doing some research, I'm starting to like what I've learned.  Check it out!

As we all know, tanning supplies your body with your daily dose of vitamin D.  Not only does raising your vitamin D level help ward of illnesses like rickets and diabetes, achieving the optimal range of 50ng/ml to 80ng/ml of D will greatly assist you in maintaining a healthy body weight.  Fat cells actually have vitamin D receptors, and when your body has enough vitamin D these receptors are activated and assist your fat cells in burning more calories.  As if thats not cool enough, it also helps in releasing something called leptin.  Leptin is an appetite suppressing hormone that is released once you've had enough food to eat.  When your vitamin D levels are too low, the release of leptin is greatly inhibited and can leave you eating more than you need to.    

Not only that, according to a study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, for every 1ng/ml increase of Vitamin D in the blood of those who previously had insufficient levels, an additional half pound of body fat was lost (when combined with portion control and exercise of course!).  So basically the study shows that for people trying to lose weight who are also low in vitamin D, raising your levels in D will assist you in losing more weight than if you were just practicing portion control and exercising alone.  Pretty cool huh?!

Food sources of vitamin D include salmon, milk, eggs, and some fortified cereals, however to get your daily dose of vitamin D would require eating up to 19 oz of salmon or 42 oz of milk a day, which may be more calories then are conducive for weight loss.  

But don't worry, solarium tanning can easily satisfy your daily dose of vitamin D, in as little as 5 minutes a day!  So stop into Hollywood Tans today to get your vitamin D and a gorgeous glow!    

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