While there are many awesome at home tanning products out there, the best way to ensure a flawless and natural looking spray tan is by tanning in salon. When using a system like Mystic Tan or Infinity Sun, salon professionals can help find the perfect shade for your unique coloring. Not only that, the tanning process itself is easier and ensures the most even tan. And you don't have to shell out the big bucks on a salon spray tan; spray tans at HT start at only $20!
If you can't make it into salons for your spray tan, there are many at home self-tanners that work just as well, like Hollywood Tans Millionaire Mist. While there are also many lotions on the market, I prefer to use a spray, as they yield a more even coverage and are cleaner and easier to apply.
2. Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate
Dry skin absorbs higher concentrations of color, which will leave you with an uneven and splotchy tan. To avoid this, before you spray tan, exfoliate with a body scrub which will help remove dead skin.
3. About Face!
One of the hardest areas to evenly self-tan is the face. To prepare your skin for a spray tan gently cleanse and exfoliate. Before spray tanning or self-tanning at home, make sure to pull back all of your hair off of your face. It sounds a bit obvious, but because just one rouge lock of hair can lead to a botched faux glow!
***Here's a tip straight from Hollywood makeup artist Scott Barnes: Apply under-eye cream. According to Barnes in Instyle magazine's May 2007 issue, you want the color of your skin to be lighter under the eyes because it makes you look younger!
4. Post Tan Pause
When spray tanning in a booth, like with Mystic Tans, after the process is over, stand still for about 30 seconds, giving the product ample time to dry evenly. After 30 seconds the product won't be completely dry, however the first minute after tanning is when you are most at risk of rubbing off the self-tanner before it has had a chance to effectively work. Pausing for 30 seconds ensures that the product has evenly set; afterwards, feel free to blot off as directed.
5. Streaks and Spots Be Gone!
If you end up with an uneven tan, fear not as little mistakes are easily fixable with common household items! Grab a lemon, cut it in half, and squeeze the juice onto a cotton ball. Wipe the streaky orange areas to dilute the streaks and help lift some of the extra color.
Don't have any lemons? Try mixing baking soda with a few drops of water until it becomes a paste. Massage the paste into the streaky areas, just like with the lemons. You can do this same process with an astringent toner or even toothpaste.
Orange palms? Try wetting a washcloth with warm water and rubbing your palms over it, making sure to get in between your fingers. Doing it this way allows you to get the color off of your palms, without removing the product from the top of your hands. You can also use a hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton ball to wipe off any unwanted color.
To help prevent staining on your fingertips and nails, try putting some vaseline on your cuticles and palms before hand.
6. Post Tan Care
In order to get the most out of your spray tan, give the product at least 4-6 hours to fully set before you shower. Also try and refrain from showering or bathing in extremely hot water or for long periods of time, as it will speed up the fading process of your tan. And try to avoid exfoliating as it will dramatically lessen the life of your faux glow as well.
Happy Tanning!
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