Sunday, January 23, 2011

Vitamin D Takes On Diabetes!

Its no secret that vitamin D has widespread benefits for our health, like prevention of chronic diseases.  Now, more and more evidence is coming to light that suggests vitamin D may play a vital role in the prevention and management of glucose intolerance and diabetes.

Of the estimated 23 million Americans with diabetes, the majority have low vitamin D levels, suggesting that vitamin D plays an integral role in insulin sensitivity and secretion.  

In a study involving 3,000 people with type 1 diabetes, there was a decreased risk in disease for those who took vitamin D supplements.  Continuing observational studies of people with type 2 diabetes also revealed the importance of supplementation in the prevention of the disease.

While vitamin D is certainly not the sole cure for this harmful disease, management of the nutrient may be a simple and cost effected method to improve blood sugar control and prevent many serious complications associated with diabetes.  But diet alone will not be sufficient in managing proper vitamin D levels; a combination of adequate dietary intake and exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet light can decrease the risk of diabetes and related health concerns.

Not only is it linked to diabetes prevention, vitamin D is also crucial in maintaing bone strength, maintaining a strong the immune system, cancer prevention, proper circulation, and cardiovascular health.  Along with ultraviolet rays, other sources of vitamin D include fish, eggs, fortified milk, cod liver oil, and supplements.

For more information on the links between diabetes and vitamin D, check out our sources below.  And to get your daily dose of this essential nutrient, stop by your local Hollywood Tans salon today!


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