Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Inject-a-tan: Innovation or Injurious?!

If you're super up to date on the latest tanning gossip, you may have heard about the latest craze in the tanning world: tanning injections.  While they may sound the like the best thing since sliced bread, new research is proving they may have significant long term side effects.  Hollywood Tans has done our fair share of research and we're got the 411!

In an effort to steer clear of solarium beds, many lifetime tanners are choosing to inject themselves with Melanotan I and II, also known as the "Barbie Drug".  Like solarium tanning, Melanotan injections claim to help increase the bodies natural production of melanin, but the catch is they work without the sunlight.  The unregulated (and in some countries, illegal) injections claim to have all the benefits of tanning without any of the side effects.  Well think again TanNation!

As tanners are more frequently trying out this new bronzing craze, more and more negative side effects are surfacing.  Not only has the drug presented side effects such as nausea, vomiting, depression, high blood pressure, and panic attacks, recently it has been suggested that severe long term side effects exist.

"Quite apart from the risk of HIV or other viruses from using dirty needles, the [Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency] says the side effects could be 'extremely serious' and is concerned it could soon see people in hospital as a result."

One of these potential long term effects is the activation of melanocytes in the skin.  Melanocytes are cells that aide in the widening and darkening of moles and can become cancerous.  In other words, this drug that is marketed specifically to bring you all the benefits of tanning without any of the negative risks of UV, may actually put you more at risk than good ol' fashion tanning (and you miss out on all that vitamin D).

Until there are more facts to help us evaluate this new tanning fad, I stand by the notion that the best way to get a gorgeous glow is from a solarium tan or a spray tan.  What do you guys think, anyone out there ever tried tanning injections?    


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