Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tanning Beds vs. the Sun

Research is continuing to support the idea that tanning beds are actually less harmful than the sun when used properly.  Check out this excerpt from yet another article revealing the truths about tanning and its beneficial properties! 

"Some doctors will tell you that tanning beds are just as harmful as sunlight and can cause skin cancer and premature aging just like the sun. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. There are lots of tanning bed lotions on the market that will prevent these dangerous side effects from occurring. A good lotion should provide antioxidants and moisture to your skin. The antioxidants are what protect you from any damage that the UVA and UVB rays might cause.

Tanning bed lotions also give you a better tan because they activate your melanin cells. This results in a deeper tan color. Some of them will even make you tan quicker because they create a tingly sensation in your skin which makes your blood flow faster [tingle lotions like our new Caliente]! Make sure you get a quality lotion so that it will contain the vitamins that are necessary to the health of your skin."

Not only that, but the short time you spend in a UV booth is actually good because it is enough to supply you with your daily dose of Vitamin D.  And in these cold winter days when natural sunlight is so hard to come by, you definitely need to get your Vitamin D somewhere! 


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