Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Beat the Winter Blues with a Hollywood Tan

Suffering from a serious case of the winter blues?  Believe it or not, its a real thing known as seasonal depression, or cabin fever, and it affects millions of people each year, mostly women.  But fear not, Hollywood Tans has the cure!

"The main factor causing winter depression is a lack of sunlight. As a person starts to get less exposure to sunlight throughout the day, they body produces less serotonin. Studies show that as such individuals are exposed to more sunlight, they feel better and the body starts producing normal levels of serotonin again."

Many doctors encourage individuals with winter depression to expose themselves to more sunlight. It isn’t always possible to do this so a good alternative is to use light boxes. Tanning beds expose the individual to UV rays similar to those found in nature sunlight. This may be a good alternative for someone who can’t get enough natural sunlight to keep winter depression at bay.

The UV rays of tanning beds are actually much stronger than natural sunlight. It is recommended that individuals get at least 30 minutes of natural sunlight everyday. Therefore the maximum time for a tanning bed daily shouldn’t exceed 10 or 15 minutes....

Some studies conducted with individuals suffering from winter depression found that using a tanning bed a few minutes each day resulted in significant changes in only three or four days. For individuals with severe winter depression, it can take up to one week of exposure in a tanning bed to see results. Many people in these studies felt their mood improve after a single tanning bed session."

So if jetting off to St. Barts, Cabo, or any other tropical destination isn't in your budget, stop by Hollywood Tans to help beat those winter blues, not to mention to help keep you bronze and gorgeous all winter long!

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