Always utilize the help of the attendants who work at your tanning salon, because we here at Hollywood Tans are here to help you!
With all the different tanning booths and lotions, deciding what combination is right for you can be slightly overwhelming. When you come into a tanning salon, especially if its your first time, don't hesitate to ask the salon attendant for help. Our salon professionals can help you analyze your skin type and develop a custom tanning regime, including which bed is best suited for you, for how long, with what lotion. They are trained to know what is best for each skin type, to keep you from overexposing your skin and to help you get a perfect base tan. Developing an effective routine is important because it will help you get the most out of your tan (and your money) every time!
Happy Tanning!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Beat the Winter Blues with a Hollywood Tan
Suffering from a serious case of the winter blues? Believe it or not, its a real thing known as seasonal depression, or cabin fever, and it affects millions of people each year, mostly women. But fear not, Hollywood Tans has the cure!
"The main factor causing winter depression is a lack of sunlight. As a person starts to get less exposure to sunlight throughout the day, they body produces less serotonin. Studies show that as such individuals are exposed to more sunlight, they feel better and the body starts producing normal levels of serotonin again."
Many doctors encourage individuals with winter depression to expose themselves to more sunlight. It isn’t always possible to do this so a good alternative is to use light boxes. Tanning beds expose the individual to UV rays similar to those found in nature sunlight. This may be a good alternative for someone who can’t get enough natural sunlight to keep winter depression at bay.
The UV rays of tanning beds are actually much stronger than natural sunlight. It is recommended that individuals get at least 30 minutes of natural sunlight everyday. Therefore the maximum time for a tanning bed daily shouldn’t exceed 10 or 15 minutes....
Some studies conducted with individuals suffering from winter depression found that using a tanning bed a few minutes each day resulted in significant changes in only three or four days. For individuals with severe winter depression, it can take up to one week of exposure in a tanning bed to see results. Many people in these studies felt their mood improve after a single tanning bed session."
So if jetting off to St. Barts, Cabo, or any other tropical destination isn't in your budget, stop by Hollywood Tans to help beat those winter blues, not to mention to help keep you bronze and gorgeous all winter long!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tanning Beds vs. the Sun
Research is continuing to support the idea that tanning beds are actually less harmful than the sun when used properly. Check out this excerpt from yet another article revealing the truths about tanning and its beneficial properties!
"Some doctors will tell you that tanning beds are just as harmful as sunlight and can cause skin cancer and premature aging just like the sun. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. There are lots of tanning bed lotions on the market that will prevent these dangerous side effects from occurring. A good lotion should provide antioxidants and moisture to your skin. The antioxidants are what protect you from any damage that the UVA and UVB rays might cause.
Tanning bed lotions also give you a better tan because they activate your melanin cells. This results in a deeper tan color. Some of them will even make you tan quicker because they create a tingly sensation in your skin which makes your blood flow faster [tingle lotions like our new Caliente]! Make sure you get a quality lotion so that it will contain the vitamins that are necessary to the health of your skin."
Not only that, but the short time you spend in a UV booth is actually good because it is enough to supply you with your daily dose of Vitamin D. And in these cold winter days when natural sunlight is so hard to come by, you definitely need to get your Vitamin D somewhere!
"Some doctors will tell you that tanning beds are just as harmful as sunlight and can cause skin cancer and premature aging just like the sun. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. There are lots of tanning bed lotions on the market that will prevent these dangerous side effects from occurring. A good lotion should provide antioxidants and moisture to your skin. The antioxidants are what protect you from any damage that the UVA and UVB rays might cause.
Tanning bed lotions also give you a better tan because they activate your melanin cells. This results in a deeper tan color. Some of them will even make you tan quicker because they create a tingly sensation in your skin which makes your blood flow faster [tingle lotions like our new Caliente]! Make sure you get a quality lotion so that it will contain the vitamins that are necessary to the health of your skin."
Not only that, but the short time you spend in a UV booth is actually good because it is enough to supply you with your daily dose of Vitamin D. And in these cold winter days when natural sunlight is so hard to come by, you definitely need to get your Vitamin D somewhere!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
New Study Suggests Tanning May Increase Lifespan
Scientist reveals why tanned women live longer
LONDON: Women who regularly sunbathe tend to live longer, says a leading oncologist.Vitamin D produced by the body while tanning gives vital protection against blood clots, diabetes and some tumours, says Prof Hakan Olsson from Lund University in Sweden.
He also suggests that the health benefits of exposure to sunlight 'far outweigh' the danger of skin cancer, according to a Lund statement.
But the professor's claims, based on a study of 40,000 women, sharply contradict warnings that sun exposure is behind soaring levels of skin cancer, reports the Daily Mail.
Rates of malignant melanoma, the deadliest form of the disease, have quadrupled since 1980. Experts blame the rise on sunbeds and the increasing numbers of Britons going abroad on cheap package holidays.
But Prof Olsson, who works in the oncology unit at Lund University, believes the benefits of the sun 'far outweigh the negatives'.
He said there was overwhelming evidence that exposure to the sun helps protect against blood clots in the leg, which claim the lives of 25,000 Britons a year.
These clots, known as deep vein thromboses, have been shown to be far more prevalent in winter than summer.
Prof Olsson, presented his findings at the Swedish Society of Medicine.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tis the Season for New Hollywood Tans Lotions!
Looking for a great new tanning lotion, guaranteed to get you bronzed and beautiful for the holiday season? Look no further than your nearest Hollywood Tans! We've just unveiled two brand new lotions and I'm here to tell you all about them!
Our first new lotion Caliente™ is a sexy new Dark Tanning Bronzer with a hint of Tingle. Packed with bronzers, tan extenders, natural skin conditioners, and a dash of tingle, this spicy and seductive lotion will keep your skin looking perfect for whatever comes your way.
Toast to the Holiday Season with our newest tan accelerator, Bubbly™! Inspired by the elegance and romance of the most luxurious drink in the world, Bubbly™ mimics the finest champagne and leaves you with a golden-hued shimmer from natural mica. Its packed with a flirty effervescent fragrance that evokes the aroma and tickle of champagne bubbles. Plus a special blend of silicons and glycerin keep your skin silky smooth and floral extracts provide vitamins and age-defying antioxidants, adding to the luxurious nature of this lotion.
So if you want to look hot this Holiday Season, be sure to stop into Hollywood Tans and try out these awesome tanning lotions!
Our first new lotion Caliente™ is a sexy new Dark Tanning Bronzer with a hint of Tingle. Packed with bronzers, tan extenders, natural skin conditioners, and a dash of tingle, this spicy and seductive lotion will keep your skin looking perfect for whatever comes your way.
Toast to the Holiday Season with our newest tan accelerator, Bubbly™! Inspired by the elegance and romance of the most luxurious drink in the world, Bubbly™ mimics the finest champagne and leaves you with a golden-hued shimmer from natural mica. Its packed with a flirty effervescent fragrance that evokes the aroma and tickle of champagne bubbles. Plus a special blend of silicons and glycerin keep your skin silky smooth and floral extracts provide vitamins and age-defying antioxidants, adding to the luxurious nature of this lotion.
So if you want to look hot this Holiday Season, be sure to stop into Hollywood Tans and try out these awesome tanning lotions!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Yet Another Article Highlighting the Importance of Sun-derived Vitamin D
Vitamin D research may have doctors prescribing sunshine
The Associated Press
Scientists are excited about a vitamin again. But unlike fads that sizzled and fizzled, the evidence this time is strong and keeps growing.
The vitamin is D, nicknamed the "sunshine vitamin" because the skin makes it from ultraviolet rays. Sunscreen blocks its production, but dermatologists and health agencies have long preached that such lotions are needed to prevent skin cancer.
Now some scientists are questioning that advice.
The reason is that vitamin D increasingly seems important for preventing and even treating many types of cancer. In the last three months alone, four separate studies found it helped protect against lymphoma and cancers of the prostate, lung and, ironically, the skin. The strongest evidence is for colon cancer.
Many people aren't getting enough vitamin D. It's hard to do from food and fortified milk alone, and supplements are problematic. So the thinking is this: Even if too much sun leads to skin cancer, which is rarely deadly, too little sun may be worse.
No one is suggesting that people fry on a beach. But many scientists believe that "safe sun" — 15 minutes or so a few times a week without sunscreen — is not only possible but helpful to health.
One is Dr. Edward Giovannucci, a Harvard University professor of medicine and nutrition who laid out his case in a keynote lecture at a recent American Association for Cancer Research meeting in Anaheim, Calif.
His research suggests that vitamin D might help prevent 30 deaths for each one caused by skin cancer.
"I would challenge anyone to find an area or nutrient or any factor that has such consistent anti-cancer benefits as vitamin D," Giovannucci told the cancer scientists. "The data are really quite remarkable."
The talk so impressed the American Cancer Society's chief epidemiologist, Dr. Michael Thun, that the society is reviewing its sun protection guidelines. "There is now intriguing evidence that vitamin D may have a role in the prevention as well as treatment of certain cancers," Thun said.
Even some dermatologists may be coming around. "I find the evidence to be mounting and increasingly compelling," said Dr. Allan Halpern, dermatology chief at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, who advises several cancer groups.
The dilemma, he said, is a lack of consensus on how much vitamin D is needed or the best way to get it. No source is ideal. Even if sunshine were to be recommended, the amount needed would depend on the season, time of day, where a person lives, skin color and other factors. Thun and others worry that folks might overdo it.
"People tend to go overboard with even a hint of encouragement to get more sun exposure," Thun said, adding that he'd prefer people get more of the nutrient from food or pills.
But this is difficult. Vitamin D occurs naturally in salmon, tuna and other oily fish, and is routinely added to milk. However, diet accounts for very little of the vitamin D circulating in blood, Giovannucci said.
Supplements contain the nutrient, but most use an old form — D-2 — that is far less potent than the more desirable D-3. Multivitamins typically contain only small amounts of D-2 and include vitamin A, which offsets many of D's benefits. As a result, pills might not raise vitamin D levels much at all. Government advisers can't even agree on an RDA, or recommended daily allowance for vitamin D. Instead, they say "adequate intake" is 200 international units a day up to age 50, 400 IUs for ages 50 to 70, and 600 IUs for people over 70. Many scientists think adults need 1,000 IUs a day. Giovannucci's research suggests 1,500 IUs might be needed to significantly curb cancer.
How vitamin D may do this is still under study, but there are lots of reasons to think it can:
-Several studies observing large groups of people found that those with higher vitamin D levels also had lower rates of cancer. For some of these studies, doctors had blood samples to measure vitamin D, making the findings particularly strong. Even so, these studies aren't the gold standard of medical research — a comparison over many years of a large group of people who were given the vitamin with a large group who didn't take it. In the past, the best research has deflated health claims involving other nutrients, including vitamin E and beta carotene.
-Lab and animal studies show that vitamin D stifles abnormal cell growth, helps cells die when they are supposed to, and curbs formation of blood vessels that feed tumors.
-Cancer is more common in the elderly, and the skin makes less vitamin D as people age.
-Blacks have higher rates of cancer than whites and more pigment in their skin, which prevents them from making much vitamin D.
-Vitamin D gets trapped in fat, so obese people have lower blood levels of D. They also have higher rates of cancer.
-Diabetics, too, are prone to cancer, and their damaged kidneys have trouble converting vitamin D into a form the body can use.
-People in the northeastern United States and northerly regions of the globe like Scandinavia have higher cancer rates than those who get more sunshine year-round.
During short winter days, the sun's rays come in at too oblique an angle to spur the skin
to make vitamin D. That is why nutrition experts think vitamin D-3 supplements may be especially helpful during winter, and for dark-skinned people all the time. But too much of the pill variety can cause a dangerous buildup of calcium in the body. The government says 2,000 IUs is the upper daily limit for anyone over a year old.
On the other hand, D from sunshine has no such limit. It's almost impossible to overdose when getting it this way. However, it is possible to get skin cancer. And this is where the dermatology establishment and Dr. Michael Holick part company.
Thirty years ago, Holick helped make the landmark discovery of how vitamin D works. Until last year, he was chief of endocrinology, nutrition and diabetes and a professor of dermatology at Boston University. Then he published a book, "The UV Advantage," urging people to get enough sunlight to make vitamin D.
"I am advocating common sense," not prolonged sunbathing or tanning salons, Holick said.
Skin cancer is rarely fatal, he notes. The most deadly form, melanoma, accounts for only 7,770 of the 570,280 cancer deaths expected to occur in the United States this year.
More than 1 million milder forms of skin cancer will occur, and these are the ones tied to chronic or prolonged suntanning.
Repeated sunburns — especially in childhood and among redheads and very fair-skinned people — have been linked to melanoma, but there is no credible scientific evidence that moderate sun exposure causes it, Holick contends.
"The problem has been that the American Academy of Dermatology has been unchallenged for 20 years," he says. "They have brainwashed the public at every level."
The head of Holick's department, Dr. Barbara Gilchrest, called his book an embarrassment and stripped him of his dermatology professorship, although he kept his other posts.
She also faulted his industry ties. Holick said the school has received $150,000 in grants from the Indoor Tanning Association for his research, far less than the consulting deals and grants that other scientists routinely take from drug companies.
In fact, industry has spent money attacking him. One such statement from the Sun Safety Alliance, funded in part by Coppertone and drug store chains, declared that "sunning to prevent vitamin D deficiency is like smoking to combat anxiety."
Earlier this month, the dermatology academy launched a "Don't Seek the Sun" campaign calling any advice to get sun "irresponsible." It quoted Dr. Vincent DeLeo, a Columbia University dermatologist, as saying: "Under no circumstances should anyone be misled into thinking that natural sunlight or tanning beds are better sources of vitamin D than foods or nutritional supplements."
That opinion is hardly unanimous, though, even among dermatologists.
"The statement that 'no sun exposure is good' I don't think is correct anymore," said Dr. Henry Lim, chairman of dermatology at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit and an academy vice president.
Some wonder if vitamin D may turn out to be like another vitamin, folate. High intake of it was once thought to be important mostly for pregnant women, to prevent birth defects. However, since food makers began adding extra folate to flour in 1998, heart disease, stroke, blood pressure, colon cancer and osteoporosis have all fallen, suggesting the general public may have been folate-deficient after all.
With vitamin D, "some people believe that it is a partial deficiency that increases the cancer risk," said Hector DeLuca, a University of Wisconsin-Madison biochemist who did landmark studies on the nutrient.
About a dozen major studies are under way to test vitamin D's ability to ward off cancer, said Dr. Peter Greenwald, chief of cancer prevention for the National Cancer Institute. Several others are testing its potential to treat the disease. Two recent studies reported encouraging signs in prostate and lung cancer.
As for sunshine, experts recommend moderation until more evidence is in hand.
"The skin can handle it, just like the liver can handle alcohol," said Dr. James Leyden,
professor emeritus of dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania, who has consulted for sunscreen makers.
"I like to have wine with dinner, but I don't think I should drink four bottles a day."
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Need to lose 5lbs instantly? Not a problem.
If you're in desperate need of an immediate shape up, look no further than your nearest Hollywood Tans salon. A tan is the easiest way to instantly look slimmer and more toned; its like getting a week's worth of tough work outs, in one quick session. If you've ever wondered why tans are a must have red carpet accessory, its because the darkening affect accentuates every muscle, even ones you didn't even know you had!
Check out how a great tan makes Cameron Diaz look even hotter!
Check out how a great tan makes Cameron Diaz look even hotter!
Even Jen Aniston relies on a tan to give her red carpet confidence!
So next time you need to look long, lean, and glamorous like your favorite celebs, don't forget to tan!
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