Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tanning Tip!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:  One of the most important keys to achieving a gorgeous glowing skin is keeping your skin clean and hydrated!

As winter approaches, make sure you take extra good care of your skin.

I recommend rotating steaming and facial masks into your weekly routine.  Steaming opens up your pores, helping to release toxins trapped deep within your skin, plus it helps hydrate your skin.  Facial masks after steaming help draw out all of the excised dirt and toxins released while steaming, leaving your skin healthy and clean.

And always, always moisturize!  No matter what your skin type, moisture is key to maintaining fantastic skin, and an even more fantastic tan!

In terms of good products for the winter, I love the Hempz body and facial products.  One of my all time favorites is the Hempz Hydro-Balanced Facial Moisturizer.  It does a great job keeping your skin soft without feeling greasy or oily.

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