Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tanning Theory...

I recently was discussing tanning with a few of my girlfriends and one of them gave me the most interesting tanning tip!  She swears by applying her tanning lotion three to five hours before she heads to the salon.

The logic behind this is that the lotions work best when they have fully absorbed into your skin.  In order to guarantee such, applying lotion ahead of time guarantees that your skin will get the best possible results from the lotion.  I have yet to personally test out this tanning theory, but as soon as I can get my butt in a booth, I'll let you know how it goes!

Anyone else ever heard of this theory?!

*Some exciting news is forthcoming, check back soon for October special announcement AND new lotion news!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tanning Tip!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:  One of the most important keys to achieving a gorgeous glowing skin is keeping your skin clean and hydrated!

As winter approaches, make sure you take extra good care of your skin.

I recommend rotating steaming and facial masks into your weekly routine.  Steaming opens up your pores, helping to release toxins trapped deep within your skin, plus it helps hydrate your skin.  Facial masks after steaming help draw out all of the excised dirt and toxins released while steaming, leaving your skin healthy and clean.

And always, always moisturize!  No matter what your skin type, moisture is key to maintaining fantastic skin, and an even more fantastic tan!

In terms of good products for the winter, I love the Hempz body and facial products.  One of my all time favorites is the Hempz Hydro-Balanced Facial Moisturizer.  It does a great job keeping your skin soft without feeling greasy or oily.

Friday, September 24, 2010

New Study: Sun Exposure May Reduce MS

The research regarding sun exposure continues to yield positive results, linking sun derived Vitamin D with lowered risks of developing Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  MS is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that is currently affecting 3 million people nationwide.

"According to study co-author Dr. Thomas M. Mack, of the University of Southern California, more and more evidence is found indicating sunlight and/or vitamin D exposure during childhood may play a protective role against multiple sclerosis (MS)."

"The study published in the July 24 issue of Neurology found that among 140 white men and women, those with the highest levels of sunlight-derived vitamin D were 62 percent less likely to have developed MS than those with the lowest levels."

The article notes that the link could be a possible result of sun exposure triggering a beneficial cellular immune response, coupled with the boost in vitamin D production helping to stave off the disease.  Click here to read the full article!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Real Housewives of New Jersey

Can't get enough of the Real Housewive's of New Jersey?!  Neither can Hollywood Tans!

And the lucky folks at Hollywood Tans Riverdale got the honor of tanning the wonderful ladies at Posche Boutique in Wayne New Jersey, owned by the fabulous "Kim D"!  

"We LOVE Hollywood Tans on rt 23 in Riverdale. We got a custom air brush tan today&it came out amazing!!THANK YOU SO MUCH Dorraine&Amanda<3" -Posche Boutique Twitter

Not only did the ladies look and feel flawless post-tan, they were as fashion forward as ever!  You didn't hear it from me but...there may be some more exciting Jersey Housewife collaborations in the future!  Stay tuned!

Thanks Posche ladies, we had a blast!!!  

Friday, September 3, 2010

Tanning for Testosterone?

It looks like the latest effect of Vitamin D is an increase in testosterone for men!

According to the Natural Health News, researchers first spotted the dramatic effect of Vitamin D in testosterone by comparing testosterone levels in men over aver an extended period of time, nothing that they peaked in summer while they dropped significantly in the winter.   

"'Men who ensure that their body is at least sufficiently supplied with vitamin D are doing good for their testosterone levels and their libido among other things,' said Ad Brand of the Netherlands-based Sunlight Research Forum...Vitamin D is now known to not only help the body develop and maintain a healthy skeleton, but also to help regulate the immune system and prevent against chronic health conditions such as heart disease, dementia and cancer."

Thursday, September 2, 2010

And you thought tanning was just for people!

Tanning in Siberia has been taken to the next level; in the region of Altay, the first tanning salon for horses is officially up and running! 

That's right: a tanning salon for horses.

Due to the region's lack of sunny days, the horses are not getting their daily dose of Vitamin D.  Elite bred horses are now getting the luxury of spending 10 minutes under tanning bulbs (wearing their protective goggles of course!) to help them get shinier, healthier coats.

I guess tanning really is for all shapes and sizes! 


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Magical Mystic

Everyone's doing it!  From your favorite celebs to your best friends, Mystic Tans are everywhere!  So what's so great about this spray tan wonder?

Firstly, if you're going to go with a sunless tan, Mystic is definitely the best choice.  Unlike some greasy self tanning lotions, mystic gives you a head to toe even bronze that won't be streaky or blotchy and will last for up to a week. 

Secondly, it's one of the quickest ways to bronze up; 15 seconds on each side and you're done!  And you don't need to worry about building up a base tan, you're bronzed and good to go, so if you need a tan fast.

The spray on tanning solution is a combination of bronzers, which you will see almost immediately, and an aloe vera based DHA which darkens over the first few hours and peeks within 24.  You can also customize your tan level, allowing you to achieve a superior, natural looking glow.  Mystic levels range from "Glow", producing just a hint of color, all the way to "Dark", giving you results 3-5 shades darker.

Here's some great tips to help get the most out of your Mystic:

1.  Always shower and exfoliate the night before, so your skin is clean and fresh.
2.  Wait to shower for at least 4 hours post Mystic sesh to ensure that your color stays.
3.  Stay away from chlorine and salt water if you can; they tend to fade your tan faster.

If you are nervous about the fading process of the tan, there are two options to help even out your tan as it fades.  One option is to purchase a great Spray Tan Mist, like Hollywood Tan's Millionaire Mist or Mystic's Perfection.  They give you the option of controlling how dark your tan is and you can quickly do-it-yourself to touch up certain areas.  Mystic also offers Vanish, a product designed to lighten areas of color and assist in the vanishing of your tan.

So if you're in need a quick and easy tan, stop by your local Hollywood Tans and give Mystic a try!  You won't be disappointed!

For more info, check out the Mystic website.

September Specials!

Hollywood Tan's is helping you beat those end-of-the-summer-blues with a great special offered through out September!*

Buy tans, get a free gift!  What could be better than that?!

*at participating Salons, promos may vary