Monday, August 30, 2010

The Naked Truth

To tan naked or not to tan naked; that is the question!

I know that when it comes to the big naked debate, everyone is pretty equally divided, which is fine, no one way is better than the other.  

If you choose to make the switch from conservative tanner to tanner in-the-buff, proceed with caution!  Never expose the new areas for the same amount of time that you do the old; gradually introduce them to tanning.  It's just like building a base tan, the process has to be done gradually in order to produce the best possible results.  My suggestion is keep the virgin areas covered until the last 2 minutes of your tanning session.  Over time, gradually increase the minutes the new area's are exposed, and soon enough they'll be as beautifully bronzed as the rest of your body.   

And remember, be kind to your behind! 

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