Monday, August 23, 2010

America's Healthiest 10 "Vices" That Are Good For You

CNN just posted an awesome article, urging us to reconsider some of those "bad habits" we all can't seem to quit, including our dependence on that morning cup of joe and our innate urge to take a random day off every now and again.  But the best one was by far number 9:

"Pleasure No. 9: Basking in the sun: Bright days really do lift our moods -- sunshine is the ultimate natural antidepressant, triggering our bodies to nip production of the sleep-stimulating hormone melatonin so we're alert, energized, and ready to face the day. Exposing bare skin to the sun also triggers the synthesis of vitamin D, a hormone that may reduce your risks for cancer, heart disease, fragile bones, and other problems."

So tan on my friends!

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