Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tanning Truths with Janessa Lopez of Hollywood Tans

We sat down with Hollywood Tans' Janessa Lopez and had her fill us in on tanning tips, routines and more!

(Credit/Off Guard Photography) 

HOLLYWOOD TANS: Do you have any tips for first time tanners?

JANESSA LOPEZ: Start slow, deepen your tan very gradually. Get a fun lotion and let your body soak it all in. Stay consistent with it, use a good after lotion and exfoliate.
HT: How often do you tan?
JL: 3-4 times a week 
HT: When did you first start tanning?
JL: I love being bronze so I feel like I’ve been tanning forever. I started in the tanning bed, when I did my first beauty pageant at 18. But, nothing is as quick and great as Hollywood Tans. I especially like their Stand Up booths If you wonder what I mean by that, go have a try for yourself! 
HT: Do you have a favorite Hollywood Tans Tanning Lotion?
JL: I am in love with the 1AM tanning lotion, it is super dark. Sometimes if Im feeling feisty, Ill mix it with the Caliente for a tingle! Theyre all great though! 
HT: What do you think sets Hollywood Tans apart from the rest?
JL: You get a golden glow in 8 min, the salons are super cute and glamorous and you don’t lie down. Theyre everywhere and theyre trusted. Quick and clean!
HT: What’s one rumor about tanning that you’ve found to be completely false?
JL: So many people are afraid of it. I stopped tanning a while back because Im on a mission to age gracefully. When I partnered with HT, my only question was: "is this going to harm me at all?" They looked at me like I was crazy!
Before, Id go in and lay down in the bed for 20 min and I’d usually overexpose when I first started. They let me know, build your tan gradually, as to not overexpose the skin. I started at one day a week and didnt do the max time. As I built a base tan, I increased my time. The key is to care for your skin. Having a base tan actually protects your skin while out in the sun. Take your time! Use a good lotion, especially an after tan lotion like HTO tan extender and your golden!  
HT: What do you think is better- self tanning or going into the salon?
JL: Without a doubt the salon because you get a tan that doesn’t streak, a tan thats even and a tan that you dont sweat off in the gym. I work out hard, I need to not sweat brown and or get funky lines!
HT: Is it hard to fit tanning into your busy schedule with your son and work? How do you make time?
JL: Tanning, like any other upkeep I practice is a way of life. When I started tanning again, I went to Hollywood Tans and in 8 minutes I was in and out. But like anything that you add to your schedule, it has to become a part of your daily routine. I find a way to make time for many things: hair, nails, the grocery store, etc. Tanning is something that greatly benefited my lifestyle [as a bikini model] from helping me look in the mirror, to seeing definition, to feeling better with a healthy glow. I definitely made time for my 8 min habit. I started tanning once a week; I probably go four times a week now. With a great lotion and a great salon, its easy to maintain. Besides, life is better bronze!
HT: Speaking of busy schedules, how can other busy moms like you keep it together!
JL: Simplicity and preparedness are things that work for me! I always leave the house with everything I might need for the day. There’s nothing worse than meaning to follow your plan and not having what you need.

(Credit/Off Guard Photography)

By: Janessa Lopez/Melanie Hunter

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