Thursday, October 21, 2010

Eat your way to a gorgeous Tan!

You know that old adage "you are what you eat"?!  Well, we're proving that to be true.

Boosting your melanin production is key to helping you get the most out of every tanning session.  Melanin are the insoluble pigments that account for the color of your skin.

In humans, those with darker skin have higher amounts of melanin; by contrast, those with less lighter skin have less melanin.  Boosting melanin allows for your skin to tan more effectively and retain its gorgeous glow longer.

So how do we boost our melanin?  By eating our vitamins of course!

Vitamin A, vitamin E, and carotene are three great nutrients that can help boost your melanin production.  Next time you are in the grocery store, stock up on foods like melons, apricots, peaches, carrots, spinach, tomatoes, eggs, and olive oil.  Not only will they help you get your melanin up, they're healthy foods too!  Integrate these foods into your diet and keep up with your Hollywood Tans regime to get the glamorous, gorgeous tan of your dreams. 

So remember, you are what you eat and your tan is too!

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